Alkaline skincare

Industrial revolution brought in the era of processed foods, cosmetics and ingredients. Before adding this new found way of living and producing, Only  alkaline based personal care products were  available. Therefore Ancient Knowledge and use of alkALINE ingredients, so we have decades of prior experience Working with alkaline skin care. These products were not only cleanse the skin but offer the skin protection. PH-neutral products cause allergic reactions and damage the skin, creating an excellent breeding ground for fungi of all kinds because fungi survive best in an acidic environment. Your choice for personal care is to use alkaline based products rather than acid based products.  A slightly basic pH of 7.4 does not dry out the skin and is ideal for regular grooming.



When one uses alkaline products, they react with the acids in our system, neutralizing and dissolving them. Thus, the body is stimulated to remove embedded acids and release waste products, bringing the predominantly acidic environment of the cells back to balance. If, for example, one uses an alkaline bath product with a pH of 8.5, the acid value drops significantly after a bathing period of one hour. The bath water absorbs the acids emitted through the skin from the body.

 By using pH neutral body care products, the skin is also degreased. As a result, the sebaceous glands lose their natural ability to return moisture to the skin. Alkaline body care, however, stimulates the sebaceous glands


PH-neutral products lead to the destruction of the skin's natural regulations. In fact, there is no so-called acid mantle. This idea is used by the cosmetics industry for promotional use only. Instead, the skin's low pH is due to the body's inability to process the high acidity. The kidneys and intestines can only process so much acidity at once, necessitating that the skin takes over to relieve their burden. Acidic skin care products push these emerging acids back into our system. Therefore, these products are not good for us.


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